Monday, May 23, 2011

Auschwitz by Salvatore Quasimodo


  1. This is a hard poem to read in the textbook. I thought the imagery was chosen well but I am not sure the correct tone was used when speaking the verses. ( I don`t mean to offend, just an observation). I wonder if this poem made you to emotional and therefor you hid your emotions from your voice? I felt like in the audio you struggled a bit. Overall it's well done, timed images to the audio is well in sync and it portrays the overall images the poem brings forward. And again please do not take offence to the comment of tone, I just though I could hear a struggle in the voice.

  2. Good use of imagery ! A part that I especially enjoyed is when you started speaking about the motion and then you had the film portion of it, I think was a great part within your movie.

  3. I enjoy that you didn't just use images but clips of video as well in your movie! I think it helped add to the overall creativeness! Good work with choosing a tough poem to read!

  4. I think you guys did a great job on your video! You had a great understanding of the poem, and I feel the use of images was very reflective of the poem. My favorite picture was of George Bush and Hitler, a little bit ironic!
